Ending the high risk pregnancy crisis


Preterm birth accounts for over 1 in 10 births in the United States. Prematurity is...

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Why is their behavior getting WORSE and not BETTER?!


This episode will open your eyes to a new cycle you might not even know you're...

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How do I prevent my child from being a bully or my child from getting bullied?


Do you feel equipped to prevent your child from being a bystander, victim or bully?


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Strong-Willed? Spirited? Spicy? Highly Sensitive? Deeply Feeling? OH MY!


Unfortunately, your child did not come home stamped from the hospital with the care...

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Failing Potty Training. Help is on the way!


Are you on the never-ending potty training struggle bus?

I have good news and bad news....

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I feel like I'm failing motherhood. What's my report card?


There are so many reasons to feel insecure, guilt, shame or fear as a parent. How do...

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How do I Homeschool my Neurodiverse Child?


When your child has ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Sensory Processing, or other neurodiverse...

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I want OFF the Meltdown Merry-go-Round!


From 3 meltdowns/DAY to 2/WEEK!  THAT'S A 90% DECREASE!

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Why is my Strong-Willed Child SO Angry?!

When your child's anger scares you, you often don't know where to turn next.
Where are they...

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Tuesday, Sept 27th at 1:00 PM CENTRAL

Confidently parent your strong-willed child without caving in or dimming their spark so you can finally break free of power struggles, guilt + self-doubt!