I've personally developed this method over the last 3 years as families have trusted me to come alongside their families for months on end and refined the process of taking them from a place of anxiety, guilt, and defeat to one of pride, patience, and Wholehearted CALM.
To give you insight into this method, here is how it works -
Communication includes all of the ways you speak to your child that make up the delivery of your discipline and teaching over time.
I teach specific scripts grounded in Positive Discipline that allow you to be both KIND and FIRM in the same sentence.
Then, we have Core Needs.
This is most often the missing piece of all other courses or programs out there - Core Needs include meeting and reinforcing the strong-willed child's perception of security, control, love + belonging.
Power, attention, and control are their love languages.
This work improves behavior significantly without any discipline to speak of.
When you put those two together, you create Connection with your child, because you're speaking to them in a language they understand, you're making them feel seen, known, and understood, and you're understanding their behavior in a language you can understand.
Connection is the foundation for an influential relationship over time.
Then we have Composure - a parent's ability to process stress, rewire their mindset, and find ways to cope under pressure. This work is the prerequisite for all the others to take hold.
Sanity comes before strategies.
When you put Core needs + Composure together, you create Clarity. You finally realize and take control of what you can control and feel really damn good about it - so you can let all the little things go, not take them personally, and have the ability to truly create the relationship you desire with your child.
And when you combine Composure with Communication, you create confidence. You're armed with the toolkit you need to truly handle whatever your child throws your way.
Your self-concept is solidified and you stop using your child's behavior as your report card, relying on external validation to know how you're doing as a parent.
You're truly FREE.
If you've learned tips + tricks but they're inaccessible in the moment - this is the missing piece for you.